Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Abstract Symbols

       There are some writing systems particular to certain genres of occult influence. Remember that for the purposes of this set of postings the definition of occult lies broadly across heterodox methods of worship, ritual magic and so forth.

      The first brand of these scribbles that comes to my mind is the alphabet of Runes, Ancient sigils each possessing their own personalities, powers and sounds corresponding to various ideals and constructs of ancient cultures. A readily available and advanced work on the subject of Runes and their use can be found here.

       Often used with talismans, tokens of spiritual power, runes could combine together to form memes like any other alphabet while carrying significant nuanced characteristics. Another alphabet that is associated with talismanic magicians is the Alphabet Of The Magi.

       Some abstract symbols are made up of constituent pieces in a less linear way, yet are used for syncretic purposes to those featured above. My true first love of this variety is the Emblems of Shamanistic Drums.

       A similar sort of construction can be found in Haitian Vodou's Veve, heraldry associated with the summoning of helping spirits. All of the above can be argued as forms of Theurgy, methods of atoning and facilitating the presence of gods, helping spirits and so forth. Theurgy is a common feature of mysticism, religion and other systems. A more publicly available sort of this is the practice of Summoning. Detailed accounts of these practices are disseminated across the web but I assert the more pure, quintessential work on the matter is the Key of Solomon, featuring summoning circles such as This one. A less common and more archaic version can be found here.

Many words in this post will become hypertext links to further reading as the blog grows. This post will also be added to gradually with symbols not mentioned. To be honest the subject of symbolisms is so completely vast I do not hope to publish any extensive work upon it. For those of you eager for symbolism try The Illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, an extensive illustrated encyclopedia of innumerable symbols and contexts. This book is a heuristic introduction to symbols that is genuinely fun to flip through and show to house guests.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Contextual Documentaries

I will post some Videos here that I found in my research that well illustrate Occult phenomenon operating in modernity. This serves to impress upon readers how the subject matter covered in these posts still function in current affairs.

This Video offers a detailed list of several occult collectives. This is centered on counterculture and psychologically radical experiences.

This Other Video Offers another. This is centered on Wicca and magic.

Our Third Video waxes upon occult influence in the architecture of American cities. This is centered on Occult Symbolism

The Final Video  Is a Charming examination of one single group in visual detail. This is centered on Theurgy and Summoning.

In the future many of my keywords will be replaced with links to other posts to promote an interconnectivity of subject matters.

First Post

      This post will hopefully be the first step of a regularly maintained blog concerning my research into what is reffered to as the Occult. The definition of the term Occult for the purposes of these posts will include all human magical experiences that are charactarized by some degree of obscurity. The subject matter will be fairly broad and open to recommendations on further areas of study. Frankly I am seeking a durable repository to allow me to reference and reflect on what I learn in the course of my studies.
         Given the potential vastness of the topic it is easy to become daunted my the reach of the subject matter. My first tentative step into this record will to be a fresh list, by no means exhaustive in its items, to be added to over time and checked back with to ensure a conneciton between the fields I study and the original goals of the blog.
         Again recommendations are welcome. I am approaching this subject matter from a psuedo-academic standpoint and do not actually invest in a partcular metaphysical belief system nor do I condone the willing doing of harm onto others in the name of said systems. I attest that the powers of autohypnotic trance states and the powers of suggestion in making the unconscious conscious are powerful cornerstones in these frameworks. Mythology, worship, and observance play integral roles in how we construct ethics, psychology and culture.

The list of topics I will describe include but are not limited to:

Wicca and Witchcraft
Divination or Prognostication
The Tantra
The psychadelic experience
The Varieties of religious experience
The Zodiac
I Ching

This is a syncretic effort. I will also afford references to websites I have found pertinent to the subject matter. For example the term "Omnigatherum" is an obscure word defined as a gathering of miscellanious  yet collective materials. This was attained from The Phrontistery, a painstaking assembly of uncommon yet interesting and useful words. "Uncommon, interesting and useful" is a string of adjectives one could use to describe the occult in the sense that we are studying. Connections such as these are the central objective in depositing my notes here, most of the information contained henceforth will be gained from the local library and Wikipedia. Again this is a syncretic effort, and my aim is to establish parallels and join concepts on a format more streamlined and moldable than the comprehensive and informative Wikipedia articles that supply my potential umbilical features.